USB License

"I want to use my software on more than one PC!"

Pursuant to the Terms & Conditions the license for the software you bought can only run on one PC only and this is determined by its unique HWID (Hardware Identifier). If your HWID changes for any reason, such as a new computer or changed hardware, your license will not work!

A USB License means that you can replace your existing PC based HWID for a USB based HWID. Meaning you can use the software on any PC you like! No more worries!


  • Does the USB License work on all programs? No! One USB License per program! You must write which program when purchasing!
  • Do I need to supply my own USB? Yes, you can use any of your own!
  • Do you have to post me a USB? No, you can use any of your own!
  • How do I make a USB License? Run the HWID Generator whilst your chosen USB is plugged in!
  • How much does it cost? $100AUD or $66USD
  • Any discount? Sure if you have multiple programs and need multiple USB licenses!
  • Can I use one USB drive for all of my programs? Yes, if you buy multiple liceses they can be assigned to a single USB if you desire
  • But my hardware didn't change!? If you got one of the messages below, then yes it did! Your HWID is a HARDWARE identifier, not SOFTWARE.
  • Why did you make this page? Because customers didn't understand the product description!

    Huh? What Now? USB?

    Do You See This Message?

    Or This?

    Do You Want To Use Multiple PCs?
    Click the Purchase Link and enter which program you want the USB License to work with!

    Thanks for reading!

    Have fun! Buy more stuff! Thanks!